As part of the college’s preparations to perform the competitive examination for admission to postgraduate studies for the next academic year (2023-2024), the Postgraduate Studies Department at the College of Education for Pure Science – Ibn Al-Haitham organized a workshop for postgraduate courses in the scientific departments for circulation and final training to use of the electronic correction system that will be adopted for the first Once in correcting the answers to the competitive exam questions for admission to postgraduate studies, the competitive exam and electronic correction using the OMR program

 They discussed the following topics

Preparing the examination halls for the applicants in a way that suits the examination environment

The necessity of matching the audited forms with the identity of the applicant

. Providing the scientific departments with the exam number for each applicant

Filling in the information of the applicant’s name and exam number by the competent committees in the scientific departments and checking them in order to avoid any error in the applicant’s data

Emphasizing the necessity of holding an interview after completing the competitive exam for all applicants

Mechanism for dealing with electronic correction and entering grades into the postgraduate studies system at the university

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham)

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