The Department of Nurseries and Afforestation in the Municipality of Baghdad started a planting and afforestation campaign in our college included planting a large number of flower stalks and evergreen shrubs in order to increase green spaces and support sustainable development in the college

The directors of administrative divisions in the Adhamiya Municipality Department participated in this campaign, in addition to the assistant dean for administrative affairs, Prof. Hassan Kamel Rasan ,and the chairman  of the Department of Biology  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahdi Jawad ,the directors and employees of the Services, Projects and Construction departments, in addition to the faculty and students of the college

This campaign comes as part of a comprehensive campaign started by Municipality of Baghdad, the Adhamiya Municipality Department, and the Community Police to support sustainable development in our college included holding awareness seminars, publishing posters, and distributing publications that emphasize spreading the culture of sustainability, increasing green spaces, using clean energies, rationalizing the use of water in life in daily water  recycling

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham)

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